Drugs name: legal, regulatory and marketing aspects



Ms Zeenat Beebeejaun

Lecturer in Law – De Montfort University Dubai, Dubai, UAE


The name for a new medicine, the so-called brand naming, is the result of a very complex process in the pharmaceutical industry that must take into account the complex applicable legislation and which at the same time, especially when it comes to OTC, can influence success. the commercialisation of a product. This article aims to explore the process of naming a medicinal product by looking at the legislative and regulatory framework and the marketing and consumption psychology models considered in the company. Most prescription drugs on the market have a trade name (also called a patented name, a trademark [sometimes incorrectly referred to as a trade name], or a speciality name) to be distinguished by the manufacturer and placed on the market only by a specific manufacturer. In the United States, these names are generally registered as trademarks in the Patent Office. Registration gives the patent owner certain legal rights concerning the use of the name. The trade name can be registered for a product containing only one active ingredient, with or without additives, or a drug containing two or more active ingredients.


Drugs Name; Law; Marketing; Patenting



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